A Division

1st - Longhorns - $1200.00
2nd - Sinners - $900.00
3rd - Mavericks - $500.00
4th - Tator Tots - $500.00


B Division

1st - The Barrels
2nd - Pitsters
3rd - Faces Loaded
4th - Guns

C Division

1st - Freaks
2nd - Oh Yeah’s
3rd - Bandits
4th - Spare Parts

  • 1st - Sauced

    2nd - Finishers

    3rd - Scared Hitless

    4th - Strikers

  • 1st - Gremlins

    2nd - Beat Downz

    3rd - Renegades

    4th - Wild Pitches

  • 1st - #Family

    2nd - Heathens

    3rd - Chaos

    4th - Titan Uranus

  • 1st - PA Wolves

    2nd - Hawks

    3rd - Purple Cobras

    4th - Swingers

  • 1st - Mommas Crowes

    2nd - Alcoballics

    3rd - Odd Sox

    4th - Dundies

  • 1st - Shooters

    2nd - Inmates

    3rd - Vic City EHS

    4th - Cougers

  • 1st - Wickes Ones

    2nd - Wasted Talent

    3rd - Prison Break

    4th - That’s A Wrap

  • 1st - Hecklers

    2nd - Code Brew

    3rd - FUn

    4th - GD Auto

  • 1st - Black Dog Fencing

    2nd - Jager Bombers

    3rd - One Night Stands

    4th - Better With Beer

Prizes & Draws

  • Team Female/Male MVP prizes were sponsored by the Port Alberni Funtastic Sports Society. This year it was FUNTASTIC hats!

  • The 2024 LARLALAND Costume Contest was won by the FUn TEAM! This team has raised the bar winning the award for the 2nd time. We absolutely love it! They received a box of swag, as well as FREE entry for 2025, & 10 FREE WRISTBANDS for the Music Festival. (Value $1000.00)

  •  The Most Sportsmanlike Team went to the ODD SOX!! The team showed up to have FUN and it’s what FUNTASTIC is all about!! They will also receive FREE ENTRY for 20215 & 10 FREE WRISTBANDS!! (Value $1000.oo) They were presented the RICK MYKITIUK Most Sportsmanlike Team perpetual Trophy in honour of one of the best!! #RM xoxo

  •  Fridays 50/50 of $2350.00 was claimed & the rest will go to the ADSS Breakfast Club and their awesome program providing kids with a snack before starting their day of learning!

  •  Saturday 50/50 of $2300.00 was claimed & the other half went to Teens Can Rock - an awesome Music Program where teens can get together and under the guidance of Todd Flaro and his crew - they learn how to play tunes, set up equipment, form a band, and have fun too. Could be future performers on the FUNTASTIC STAGE!!

Funtastic Alberni donated $37,000.00 in 2024 to various charities, music programs, sports groups, ADSS Bursary, CMHA, and quality of life groups trying to help those in need.

Thanks to all our sponsors for your support. We appreciate you soo much!!

The 2025 donations will take place at the Kinhut on September 20th, 2025!


2023 Results